How Your Room Affects Your Tone


The guitar is an incredibly dynamic instrument, and capturing its true sound requires more than just quality equipment. The environment you choose to record in plays a vital role in shaping the sound of the guitar. Here's an exploration of how different spaces affect guitar recording and how to optimize your room for the best results.


Close Miking a Guitar Amp
Many believe that close-miking a guitar amp negates the room's effect, but even in this scenario, the room's reflections and resonances can reach the microphone.

Ambience in Large Rooms

A guitar recorded in an expansive, ambient room may receive subtle reflections that add depth to the sound, but controlling the ambience can be challenging.

Dead Spaces

Recording guitar in a heavily damped space requires careful volume management. Resonating the 'room frequency' can affect the tone, making it sound unnatural or boxy.


Guitar Recording Experiment: Live Room vs. Booth

We conducted an experiment recording the same guitar setup in both a live room and a small booth. The findings might surprise you!


Live Room: Almost identical to the booth in sound, but with a hint of spaciousness.
Booth: Minimally influenced the guitar's sound, demonstrating the importance of design and treatment.

Takeaways for Guitarists

Big or Small Rooms Work: Well-designed spaces, regardless of size, can yield excellent guitar tones.
Understand Your Space: Know how your room sounds and how it can be used to enhance or control your guitar's sound.
Control or Embrace Ambience: Learn to manipulate the room's ambience to suit the mood of your guitar recording.


Recording guitar involves paying attention to not just the instrument and gear but also the environment. Whether you're recording in a professional studio or a home setup, understanding how the room interacts with the guitar opens creative avenues. By embracing or controlling room sound, you can capture a guitar tone that you are truly proud of.